воскресенье, 12 апреля 2009 г.

Why do you need a premarital (prenuptial) agreement?

Quite simply premarital agreement is necessary, to protect your property for your children or your heirs. Marriages, especially second marriages, may have problems when they end by death or divorce. If you have properly planned for, and contracted for, the handling of your property, your heirs will get what you have planned for them to receive.Failure to properly plan ahead, however, may invite disaster. When a person with children remarries a spouse who also has children, sharing emotions is sometimes easier than sharing money with a new spouse. If a husband and wife have not discussed the handling of their property prior to their marriage, this may later result in a conflict between the spouses or between a surviving spouse and the deceased spouse’s children. Many people who remarry want to make a commitment to their second husband or wife, but they also want to make sure that their children are protected as well.
Basic and simple planning can avoid a lot of headaches during your lifetime. It can also avoid headaches and heartaches for your children after you are gone. The need to plan, and to consult, applies to nearly all of us, not just the well to do.
A Premarital Agreement is an agreement between prospective spouses, made in contemplation of marriage. The Agreement becomes effective upon marriage. The Premarital Agreement should be discussed by the parties well in advance of the marriage. Sufficient time should be permitted to allow both parties to consult their separate legal counsel and to sufficiently consider the Agreement. Otherwise, one party may later claim that the Agreement is unenforceable because it was misleading or signed under pressure. The Agreement is generally unenforceable if it was signed after the marriage ceremony.
A prenuptial agreement is a private agreement between two parties who are intending to marry that sets forth the distribution of assets (and debts) that will occur in the event of the parties’ divorce or death.
Among others, this prenuptial agreement form includes the following key provisions:
  • Separate Property: Identifies the property that is solely that of the individual spouse
  • Shared Property: Identifies the property that will be shared between the spouses
  • Determination of Type of Property: Declares how other property will be divided amongst the spouses
  • Alimony, Support, and Maintenance: Clarifies payments that will be made should the marriage end
  • Wills: Describes the wills of the spouses and what provisions will be included
  • Additional Clauses: Provides room for the spouses to make additional provisions

воскресенье, 5 апреля 2009 г.

Letter of resignation tips

When it's time to move on from your job you want to leave behind the best impression of yourself, and you can do that by writing a good resignation letter. However, it is both wise and useful for both the employee and employer to have a written record of the resignation. The common practice is to resign in person with a follow-up letter.

Tips on writing a letter of resignation:
  • Begin by writing something positive or complimentary about the position / organization / company that you are leaving.
  • State that you will be resigning, effective as of a specific date.
  • In most cases, you need to give a reason for resigning.
  • You may want to offer help to find or train your replacement if you are leaving in a friendly spirit.
  • End the letter on a pleasant tone expressing appreciation for something.
  • Do not use a letter of resignation as a dumping ground for complaints and anger.
  • If you have been asked to resign or have been discharged, your letter should not refer to this.

Remember that your resignation letter goes into official records. In our highly litigious society, you will want to avoid anything in your letter to the employer that could be misconstrued or used against you later. It is normal protocol to give at least two weeks notice prior to your date of resignation, but check your company's policies and what terms you agreed to when you were hired.
Some companies will choose to terminate an employee immediately upon resignation (regardless of what you offer), so be prepared for this. The choice to resign may or may not be an easy decision, but once you have made this decision, understand the potential consequences.

пятница, 3 апреля 2009 г.

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Guaranty sample

Sometimes it is necessary to issue the assignment for somebody. Here the sample of the limited guaranty. Feel free to use it.


BE IT KNOWN, for good consideration, and as an inducement for _____________________________________________ (Creditor)
to extend credit from time to time to _________________________________ the undersigned jointly, severally and unconditionally guarantee to Creditor the prompt and punctual payment of certain sums now or hereinafter due Creditor from Customer, provided that the liability of the guarantors hereunder, whether singularly or collectively, shall be limited to the sum of $_______________ as a maximum liability and guarantors shall not be liable under this guarantee for any greater or further amount. The undersigned guarantors agree to remain fully bound on this guarantee, notwithstanding any extension, forbearance, indulgence or waiver, or release or discharge or substitution of any party or collateral or security for the debt. In the event of default, Creditor may seek payment directly from the undersigned without need to proceed first against borrower. Guarantors further waive all suretyship defenses consistent with this limited guaranty. In the event of default, the guarantor shall be responsible for all attorney's fees and reasonable costs of collection, which may be in addition to the limited guaranty amount. This guaranty shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors, assigns and personal representatives.

__________________________ Signed this ____ day of ____________, 20____.
Signed in the presence of: ________________________________

More guaranty samples

среда, 1 апреля 2009 г.

A pro forma invoice

Proforma invoice is Abridged or estimated invoice sent by a seller to a buyer in advance of a shipment or delivery of goods. It notes the kind and quantity of goods, their value, and other important information such as weight and transportation charges. Pro forma invoices are commonly used as preliminary invoices with a quotation, or for customs purposes in importation.
Proforma invoices also a documents provided prior to or with a shipment of goods (as for export) that describes the items and terms of sale but does not have the function of a real commercial invoices.