понедельник, 6 июня 2011 г.

Russian businessmen go on strike

26 may, official Russia celebrates a Day of Entrepreneur. Businessmen backfire with a protest against high social contributions.

Russian businessmen claim that the government's efforts to mend the budget holes at cost of SMEs have pushed the latter on the verge of extinction. Since 2011, the tax burden was increased.

Since January 1, as a result of ill-considered activities of the Government, the companies running on traditional taxation scheme were pushed to start paying 34% of social contributions instead of 26%, say the protestants. Meanwhile, companies that previously enjoyed a simplified taxation system had to increase payments from 14% to 34%. Since 2009, businessmen are forced to pay 2,4 times more in taxes than earlier, sums up the riot.

Officially, the meetings will be held in 11 cities all around Russia, though the protest geography is actually much wider. Murmansk regional businessmen in Apatity, Kirovsk and Monchegorsk decided to join the protestation under the slogan - Business without Trousers.