понедельник, 14 сентября 2009 г.

Moving Announcements Tips

You don't have to send your announcements of сhange of address cards to every single person that you know. Instead, start your work by developing three separate lists of people and organizations that may need to be contacted. First, you want to make a list of any businesses or individuals who need to be informed of your move directly. These are going to include your bank, employer, landlord and similar entities. Second, make a list of anybody you do business with who may need to know you've changed your contact information. For example, if you are having your fax number changed then it's a good idea to let people who send you faxes know.

Finally, you'll want to create a list of personal contacts, such as your friends and family members, who have at least annual contact with you. These individuals should all receive address change cards. Typically, you'll want to choose different change address announcements for the last two lists. Plus, you should remember to contact the United States Postal Service and submit the appropriate address change forms. You can find this in the lobby of most branches as well as online. The online version is the easiest and fastest way to submit the forms.